
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Packing crystallized glass products

 Different Different crystallized glass products are packed differently. Crystallized glass tiles are packed in wooden crates. However when shipped to USA, several crystallized tiles are packed in a carton, then cartons be packed in wooden crates. 
12X12 inch tiles in cartons

Packing crystallized glass tile
Crystallized glass tiles in wooden crates


It is necessary to pack mosaics into the cartons, normally 10 pcs of 1.1cm thick crystallized glass mosaic sheets in a carton.
Crystallized glass mosaic in a carton

Some customers from Mid-Eastern countries like to import crystallized glass slabs directly from our factory. It is faster to pack slabs.
It is not as easy as to pack crystallized glass tops. Normally many sponges are added to keep the tops safe when shipping. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Updating crystallized glass processing technology

In order to improve the quality of Crystallized Glass, boss of Sanlong Minicrystal decided to update the processing technology.

The old shuttle kiln has been demolished to be replaced by the roller kiln.Crystallized Glass slab will be less porous and whiter once the roller kiln built up.
Demolishing the slab mold

Demolishing the kiln's external wall

Demolishing the kiln's internal wall
Roller kiln metal frame
Soldering roller kiln metal frame
                      Coating the kiln surface-1
   Coating the kiln surface-2

Saturday, September 7, 2013

A better choice than Nanoglass for your tops?

Famous for its non porous surface, Nanoglass is widely used for all kinds of tops. The only problem of using Nanoglass is it chips easily. The fabricator has to be very careful when they cutting Nanoglass. Even though Super Nanoglass was produced to better fabricators' experience, the problem is still not solved. What's more, it is difficult tell Nanoglass 2 from Super Nanoglass, they are almost the same in appearance.

Is there a better choice instead of using Nanoglass for your tops? You may wanna choose quartz surface like Caesarstone. Yes, it is much more easy to cut, but you have to make a compromise. Nanoglass is proved to be more heat resistant than Quartz surface as no bonding agent like resin is used to solidify it. Quartz surface is also not as resistant to acid and stain as Nanoglass. Is there a top that combine the striking appearance and high funtion? 

Original Crystallized Glass is the perfect top you have ever seen. It combines the non porous advantage of Nanoglass and the fabulous appearance. Original Crystallized Glass stored outdoor for years don't show any sign of stain or corrosion.Here the picture of crystal white crystallized glass pasted below for your reference.
White original crystallized glass, thassos glass.

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Crystal white crystallized glass desk top

It is nice to choose crystallized glass Slab to make your beautiful desk top. Many customers love the glistening luster of Crystallized Glass Slab, but it is the time-saving maintenance of CG Panel that really count.

Crystallized Glass Panel is good to be used for desk top for several reasons. 1.It is harder than natural marble and crack free, no poisonous resin  needed to glue the fissures and cracks. 
2.Resistant to acid and alkali. 
3. Zero water absorption.
4. No radiation.
5. Fadeless. 

Crystallized Glass desk top available with all kinds of surface and edge finishes.

Crystallized Glass desk top

Crystallized glass desk top with double bullnose edge

Thursday, July 18, 2013

How to produce Crystallized Glass panel?

It is quiet easy to understand the manufacturing process of Crystallized Glass panel.

1. Producing crystal granules.
Producing crystal granules is the first and necessary step, which consists of feeding, mixing and crystallization. At first, raw materials like quartz sand and sodium feldspar are fed into a mixer and mixed together. The mixed materials are    delivered into the furnace to be melted and then the molten materials flow into the water to crystallize into crystal granules.

2. Molding
Pouring crystal granules into slab beds and pulling them into the tunnel kiln to be heated to more than one thousand degrees for about 13 hours. It then takes about 24 hours to cool down the Crystallized Glass slab. It is the crystallization that happen during heating that gives Crystallized Glass panel ultimate hardness and solidity.

3.Deep processing
The deep processing of Crystallized Glass panel is like the one of natural stone. It consists of polishing, cutting, drilling and so on.

4.Quality checking
Every Crystallized Glass panel has to be checked carefully before it is sold to our customer.

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How to make Crystallized Glass Column?

It is easy to make Crystallized Glass column.

It takes the crystallized glass panel to make the column you want. Size of Column is bespoken. At first, Crystallized glass panel will be cut to the ordered size, then be put on every mold. At last, those molds will be sent to kin to be heated for many hours under temperatures of thousands, which will shape the panel into column. (Pictures from Sanlong Minicrystal's factory)

Crystallized glass column

Big Crystallized glass column

Crystal White column

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Monday, July 1, 2013

Crystallized Glass counter top, writing desk, kitchen top

Crystallized glass, aslo called marmoglass, micro crystal,crystal glass,  is a kind of artificial marble.Crystallized Glass counter top, kitchen top and writing desk is widely seen in modern family.

Crystallized glass are chosen for table top considering its little maintenance and glistening surface. Compared with marble, sealing is not needed as it doesn't absorb water and has no natural cracks. Besides the strong resistance to acid and alkali,Crystallized Glass is non radioactive and non toxic which make it the perfect choice for family kitchen top and dining table top.

As the largest manufacturer of Crystallized Glass in China, Sanlong Minicrystal has fabricated many kinds of table tops for customers all over the world. Usually the polished surface are the most popular, edge processing bespoken available. Edges like bullnose, beveled,eased, ogee are the most popular.

Here i'd like to share few pics of Crystallized glass kitchen top, counter top, vanity top and writing desk.
Ogee edge beige crystallized glass writing desk 

Ogee edge beige crystallized glass writing desk

Arc shaped beige crystallized glass writing desk

Ogee edge beige crystallized glass writing desk

Ogee edge beige crystallized glass writing desk

Crystal White crystallized glass kitchen top 

Crystal white writing desk

Crystal white crystallized glass kitchen top

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Why Crystallized Glass, not Nanoglass

Crystallized glass and Nanoglass are different. Compared with Nanoglass, here are few reasons why customers choose Crystallized Glass.

1. High Hardness.
The process of Crystallization that stone slab are heated to a temperature point  during a period of time  gives stone the ultimate strength and solidarity .  Though both Nanoglass 2, Nano 3 (there are three generations of Nanoglass) and Crystallized Glass go through twice crystallization, the time for Crystallized Glass longer and temperature higher.

2.Color diversity.
Now, only White Nanoglass in the market. However, it is easy to see crystallized glass in many colors. Beige, Spotted White, Yellow in White and White are some common colors of Crystallized Glass.
3.Beautiful pattern

There are delicate  patterns on the surface of single color Crystallized Glass if you look close enough. Take the white Nanoglass for example , it is totally white without any detail.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What you don’t know about Nanoglass

What you don’t know about Nanoglass

Nanoglass is popular all over the world now. Many stone finders are looking for Nanoglass in China, but they know little about it. Here I will list few things you need to know about Nanoglass.

1. Nanoglass is different from porous Crystallized Glass.
Many people mix Porous Crystallized Glass with Nanoglass. However, these two artificial stones are different in many aspects like the raw materials, manufacturing process, color and appearance. Take the manufacturing process for example, Nanoglass is made by melt, molding and pressing, it doesn’t go through the process of crystallization which is possible under temperature of more than 1000 ÂșC, that is why Nanoglass is easy to break compared with Porous Crystallized Glass. Here, you can see the manufacturing process of Crystallized Glass to understand more.No holes visible inside Nanoglass if the quality very good, but porous crystallized glass has holes by the side. 

2. Nanoglass is different from artificial quartz stone.
Nanoglass is different from quartz stone like Caesar Stone. Polymer resins are needed to glue artificial quartz stone together, however resins are not needed for Nanoglass and Crystallized Glass.

3. Not just White for Nanoglass.
Other colors are possible for Nanoglass, but the cost and manufacturing difficulty will be increased. So, many factory as I know only produce the white one.

4. There are three generations of Nanoglass.
People who are familiar with Nanoglass know the difference of Nanoglass 1, Nanoglass 2 and Nanoglass 3. Nanoglass 1 is very fragile. It was said Nanoglass 1 fallen down from the ceiling and hit one American man in America. Nanoglass 2 and Nanoglass 3 was developed to be more harder. Now, many factories only concentrate producing Nanoglass 3 which is expensive than Nano 2 and Nano 1 . 

Othere articles you may be interested in “the difference between Nanoglass and Crystallized Glass

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Looking for Bahia Blue made of Crystallized glass

One customer came to our Crystallized glass factory and wondered if we can make Bahia Blue slabs ( a precious Brazilian natural stone ) . Artificial Bahia blue samples showed by that customer was made of Crystallized glass granules by someone .

It is true that many factory has tried to fake natural stone using Crystallized glass and some nice product came out like Royal Botticino and water wave . However , it is time and money consuming from process of development to finally producing . Our factory Sanlong Minicrystal can produce the black Crystallized glass panel , but the material is too expensive to be accepted by our customer that normally we don't produce it unless the quantity is very big .

Water Wave

                             Royal Botticino
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Friday, May 17, 2013

Why white crystallized glass , not white marble ?

Crystallized glass are called Artificial marble . Many people tend to choose White Crystallized glass , instead of White marble . Blow are several reasons Customers are choosing Crystallized glass . 

1,Pure White and crystal surface.
Made by twice melt & crystallization , Crystallized glass has the same crystallized texture as natural marble . For the material used , the color of Pure white is available and the surface present the crystal glossiness . 

2, Little maintenance needed .
When it comes to natural marble , cracks on the surface cannot be avoided , that is why mesh backing are used on the back and sealing is necessary . However , mesh backing and sealing are not needed for Crystallized glass . Compared with Marble , Crystallized glass is acid and alkali resistant , time and money will be saved after installed . What is more , Crystallized glass has zero water absorption , stains can be easily wiped out by a wet rug . Harder than marble , scratch are resistant . 

For more information , please visit
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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The differences between Crystallized glass and Nano glass

It is easy to mix Crystallized glass and Nano glass , though they are different in many aspects . 

1, Materials .
Materials of crystallized glass , Nano glass are different  , though they both comprise quartz sands that take up about 30% of the whole raw materials . Crystallized glass consists of soda feldspar, calcium carbonate ..., while Nano glass consists of Lithium feldspar , silicate , potassium carbonate ... 

2,Processing technology 
It takes twice melt & crystallization to produce crystallized glass from power materials to panels which is like the formation of natural granite.  Crystallized granules formed in the first furnace under high temperature will then be sent to the slab mold in the second kiln to melt and then crystallize under high temperature .  For more information Manufacturing process of Crystallized Glass

For Nano , It takes only one melt & cooling down to panels , which is more like the processing of glass ( a reason why Nano 1 breaks easily  , there are three generations of Nano glass , the hardness of next generation increased , now only Nano 3 being produced in some Chinese factories ) . The melt materials will cool down in a long slab mold under high pressure . In the end , The big slab will be cut into small slabs .  

3, Appearance .
Polished Crystallized glass has small patterns on the surface which you may not realize, while Nano glass has no details  . Though Crystallized glass has more details , it is not as white as Nano glass .  You can only find the white Nano glass in the market even in 2013 , however , colors of crystallized glass is varied . 

The other difference in appearance is crystallized glass is porous , while Nano glass is non-porous . 

Article written by Judi
Published also in Crystallized glass website 

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Choosing black stain invisible stone slab

Are you worried about black stain on your floor tile , counter top and so on ? It is nearly impossible to get rid of those black stains no matter how strong the stone is black stain resistant and what protection you have used . Maybe the only right way is to make those black stains invisible .

Everyone knows it is very easy to see even one black stain on a single color stone slab . Have a white counter top ? Then black spot is expected . Black stain is inevitable on a single color stone slab unless you choose a black one . However,  not everyone likes the black one . Here is a choice , some black spots speckled stone slab are perfect in covering those black stains like black spot white stone slab .

Black spot white stone slab is speckled with black spots when producing it . You will not be able to tell black stains from the black spots . Sometimes , what you need to do is not getting rid of it ,but to hugging it . It is the same idea that people have acid washed marble counter top so that the etchings will not be visible .

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