
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The differences between Crystallized glass and Nano glass

It is easy to mix Crystallized glass and Nano glass , though they are different in many aspects . 

1, Materials .
Materials of crystallized glass , Nano glass are different  , though they both comprise quartz sands that take up about 30% of the whole raw materials . Crystallized glass consists of soda feldspar, calcium carbonate ..., while Nano glass consists of Lithium feldspar , silicate , potassium carbonate ... 

2,Processing technology 
It takes twice melt & crystallization to produce crystallized glass from power materials to panels which is like the formation of natural granite.  Crystallized granules formed in the first furnace under high temperature will then be sent to the slab mold in the second kiln to melt and then crystallize under high temperature .  For more information Manufacturing process of Crystallized Glass

For Nano , It takes only one melt & cooling down to panels , which is more like the processing of glass ( a reason why Nano 1 breaks easily  , there are three generations of Nano glass , the hardness of next generation increased , now only Nano 3 being produced in some Chinese factories ) . The melt materials will cool down in a long slab mold under high pressure . In the end , The big slab will be cut into small slabs .  

3, Appearance .
Polished Crystallized glass has small patterns on the surface which you may not realize, while Nano glass has no details  . Though Crystallized glass has more details , it is not as white as Nano glass .  You can only find the white Nano glass in the market even in 2013 , however , colors of crystallized glass is varied . 

The other difference in appearance is crystallized glass is porous , while Nano glass is non-porous . 

Article written by Judi
Published also in Crystallized glass website 

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